Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Welcome to Digital Display Insider. Whether you are a curious entrepreneur or a seasoned marketer, this weekly newsletter will be your source for mobile digital billboard insights and ownership advice.
I want to start by thanking you for taking a few minutes out of your busy day to read what I have to say. This is Issue #1, and you are receiving this email because at some point in the last 10 years, we’ve corresponded about this subject in some form. If you have no connection to marketing, mobile digital billboards, entrepreneurship, or simply wish not to receive future newsletters, I apologize that you ended up on this list. You can stop future emails by clicking the Unsubscribe button here.
Why am I doing this newsletter? Ten years ago, I saw my first mobile digital billboard truck online, and I knew instantly that I was looking at the future of billboard advertising. Today, I believe even more strongly that mobile digital billboards will disrupt the traditional billboard industry, much like rideshare did for taxis.
In 2014, I took a huge risk and bought a mobile digital billboard truck at a time when there were only a couple dozen trucks in existence, and very little information was available online. Despite my best efforts to research everything, I ultimately lost $100k on that first truck and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on “learning experiences” over the last decade. I don’t call them “mistakes” because I believe something valuable can be learned from every setback.
Over the years, I have seen dozens of operators come and go, each struggling with many of the same issues I faced. That’s why I’ve decided to offer my experience to those serious about running a successful and profitable mobile digital billboard media company.
But beyond just sharing my experience, I want to create a community of LED billboard truck operators who will collaborate and share their experiences with one another. That’s the focus of Digital Display Insider. We’re here to educate and facilitate discussions about this incredible out-of-home media.
Which option best describes you right now?
1. Curious about mobile digital billboard ownership
2. I already own mobile digital billboard trucks
3. I'm a marketing professional that buys OOH media
4. I want to start a mobile digital billboard business but have questions
5. I'm ready to start my mobile digital billboard business as fast as I can buy a truck.
Login or Subscribe to participate in polls and subscribe to newsletter.
Now that you’ve made it this far in the newsletter, you should have a good idea of whether this is for you or not. If you want to not only consume information about this industry but also contribute and help build a community that will disrupt traditional billboards, answer the poll question above so I can get a better sense of where you are as I prepare content for you.
Lastly, I have created a Facebook Group as a place for this community to ask and answer questions. Please take a few moments to join the group
Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to working with you to disrupt the traditional billboard industry.
Founder/CEO Legion LED Trucks
Jerry Teeter is a pioneer in the mobile digital billboard industry, with over a decade of experience operating and manufacturing state-of-the-art LED trucks. As the founder of Legion LED Trucks and the creator of Digital Display Insider, Jerry shares his expertise to help entrepreneurs and businesses succeed in this innovative advertising space.
Legion LED Trucks is your source for new and used LED trucks and trailers.
If you need financing, lease options, or help knowing how to make money with your new truck, we can help you there too!
Contact us today and we will help you get started in your LED truck journey.